Module DGraphContainer.Dot

include S with type graph = Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.t and type vertex = Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.V.t and type edge = Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.E.t
module Tree : Graph.Sig.G with type V.label = vertex
module GView : DGraphView.S with type vertex = vertex and type edge = edge and type cluster = cluster
module TView : DGraphView.S with type vertex = Tree.V.t and type edge = Tree.E.t and type cluster = cluster
type global_view = (vertex, edge, cluster) DGraphView.view
class view_container : ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?status:status -> ?default_callbacks:bool -> mk_global_view:( unit -> global_view) -> mk_tree_view:(depth_backward:int -> depth_forward:int -> Gtk.widget Gtk.obj -> vertex -> tree_view) -> vertex option -> [vertex, edge, cluster, Tree.V.t, Tree.E.t, cluster] view_container_type
val from_dot : ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?status:status -> ?default_callbacks:bool -> ?mk_global_view: ((Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.V.t, Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.E.t, Graph.DGraphModel.cluster) Graph.DGraphModel.abstract_model -> global_view) -> ?mk_tree_view: ((Tree.V.t, Tree.E.t, Graph.DGraphModel.cluster) Graph.DGraphModel.abstract_model -> tree_view) -> string -> view_container
val from_dot_with_commands : ?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?status:status -> ?default_callbacks:bool -> ?mk_global_view: ((Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.V.t, Graph.DGraphModel.DotG.E.t, Graph.DGraphModel.cluster) Graph.DGraphModel.abstract_model -> global_view) -> ?mk_tree_view: ((Tree.V.t, Tree.E.t, Graph.DGraphModel.cluster) Graph.DGraphModel.abstract_model -> tree_view) -> string -> GPack.table * view_container